Features of teaching English for students majoring in economics
economists, English for special purposes, ESP, information technology, distance education, lexical approach, professional skillsAbstract
The article is devoted to the actual problem of teaching English for special purposes (ESP) to students of economic specialties. The authors consider the teaching of English for special use in the context of professional skills. It is imperative that students develop these skills to become skilled and successful professionals in any field. The focus of attention of the authors is teaching English for economists with the help of modern information technologies. The presence of a significant number of terms and idiomatic expressions in the English language of the economic sphere makes the lexical approach particularly effective in the formation of foreign language professional competence of future economists. An online Google Forms survey was conducted to determine students’ awareness of various Internet services that can be used to teach English, including those aimed at training and practicing certain language skills. Students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with a large number of Internet resources. Foreign language teachers use them every day not only for homework, but also for online classes. The most popular platforms and services are identified, including those that form foreign language competence using a lexical approach. English for Special Purposes (ESP) focuses on language learning objectives defined by the domain or genre in which it is being studied. When learning English for science subjects such as physics, chemistry or biology, the objectives are clear and the domain is often clearly defined. The question at the heart of this article on English for Economics is how blurred disciplinary boundaries affect the teaching and practices of English for Special Use.References
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