Applied linguistics as a science




applied linguistics, applied linguistics as an educational discipline, applied linguistics as a science, applied linguistics as a specialty, areas of application of applied linguistics


This article deeply explores the current problem of modern linguistics, namely the understanding of applied linguistics, which has gained importance both in Ukraine and abroad, in particular, in the context of comparing the interpretation of the specified field as a science with its understanding as an educational discipline and specialty. The study focuses on the modern understanding and state of applied linguistics as a science, paying special attention to the main areas of its application in social life: international relations, mass media, publishing, military affairs, science, the service sector, industry, politics, language policy, jurisprudence etc. This research work was carried out through a comprehensive analysis of various sources and resources, based on a theoretical study of scientific and scientific-methodical literature, analysis of journalistic materials in various online and offline publications, as well as information distributed through social networks and the Internet. During this study, a large number of interesting sources of information regarding the integration of applied linguistics as a science into various spheres of life were discovered. The results of this analysis are highlighted in our research paper.


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How to Cite

Guzhva, S. (2024). Applied linguistics as a science. International Science Journal of Education & Linguistics, 3(3), 38–44.