Transformation of foreign language learning: artificial intelligence as a tool for developing students' language skills




language learning, higher education, AI ethics, feedback, foreign language, AI tools, language skills, learning platforms, artificial intelligence


This article examines the transformation of foreign language learning, namely the influence of artificial intelligence tools (hereinafter - AI) on the development of speaking skills of students of higher educational institutions. Attention is focused on the potential advantages and disadvantages of using AI in language learning, as well as on recommendations for the effective implementation of AI tools in the educational process. The study also found that there is a wide range of AI tools that can be used to develop students' speaking skills, with examples of some of the most common. It is noted that the use of artificial intelligence tools in teaching and learning foreign languages can significantly improve the process of mastering speaking skills, making it more personalized, interactive and effective. The article uses a complex research method, which includes an analysis of scientific literature, a generalization of the experience of using AI tools in the study of foreign languages. The study showed that the use of artificial intelligence tools can have both positive and negative effects on the development of students' speaking skills. On the one hand, artificial intelligence tools can help students practice a foreign language, receive feedback and improve their speaking skills, but on the other hand, the same artificial intelligence tools can lead to the development of language errors, stereotypes and prejudices. It is emphasized that teachers should be aware of the limitations and potential biases of AI tools and take steps to mitigate them. They must also protect the privacy of their students and teach them to think critically when receiving information from AI tools. When used correctly, AI tools can be a valuable resource for developing students' language skills, helping students practice pronunciation, receive feedback, and improve listening skills. Based on the analyzed scientific and methodological literature, the authors emphasize the importance of using artificial intelligence tools responsibly and ethically, as well as combining them with other teaching methods. It is worth following the proposed recommendations and ways of implementing the use of artificial intelligence tools for the development of students' language skills when learning a foreign language. The reasons why the study of the impact of artificial intelligence tools on the development of students' language skills are a priority for future research are indicated.


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How to Cite

Zhukevych, I., & Spiricheva, O. (2024). Transformation of foreign language learning: artificial intelligence as a tool for developing students’ language skills. International Science Journal of Education & Linguistics, 3(3), 45–55.



Information and communication technologies in education