Development of mathematical skills in children with autism spectrum disorders in primary school




children with autism spectrum disorders, primary school, inclusive education, mathematical skills, Numicon


The article is devoted to the methodological features of the development of mathematical skills of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in primary school. The authors substantiate the importance of mathematics education for the cognitive and psychological development of children with ASD. The paper emphasizes that, given the peculiarities of perception and processing of information by students with ASD, methods should be selected accordingly that can influence their ability to learn and apply mathematical concepts. The research on the development of mathematical skills in children with ASD is analyzed. Taking this into account and personal pedagogical experience, the methods and approaches that contribute to the effective acquisition of mathematical knowledge by children with ASD are considered, in particular: an individualized approach, structured learning, the use of visual cues and positive reinforcement, etc. The study is based on the analysis of modern literature, pedagogical practice and observations of the learning activities of children with ASD. The practical side of teaching children with ASD is described. Diagnostic methods for identifying students' learning motivation, assessing the operational component of learning activities, the level of perception of primary school students, and assessing the switching and distribution of attention are described. Particular attention is paid to the Numicon teaching methodology, which uses visual materials for a better understanding of abstract mathematical concepts and is aimed at improving children's educational achievements in mathematics. The article provides examples of exercises and tasks that contribute to the development of math skills in children with ASD. The article contains practical recommendations for teachers and parents working in inclusive settings with children with ASD.


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How to Cite

Lutsiv, Y., & Sharan, O. (2024). Development of mathematical skills in children with autism spectrum disorders in primary school. International Science Journal of Education & Linguistics, 3(4), 36–47.



Theory, practice and methods of education