Interactive technologies as a means of activating the cognitive activity of elementary school students in mathematics lessons




primary school students, New Ukrainian School, teaching mathematics, activation of cognitive activity, interactive technologies


The article deals with the actual problem of the methodology of teaching – activation of the cognitive activity of elementary school students in mathematics lessons. The authors justify the importance of active cognitive activity of students during education. This especially applies to learning mathematics, because thanks to active activities, students «discover» new material, improve its assimilation, become motivated and interested in studying it, and, as a result, increase the effectiveness of learning. The research conducted by various authors regarding the activation of cognitive activity and the use of various pedagogical tools for this purpose was analyzed. Effective pedagogical tools are described, such as: interactive exercises and platforms, game interactive technologies, web quests, the project method, group work, the involvement of electronic educational resources, educational videos, interactive presentations, the use of non-standard assessment and feedback methods, etc. It has been proven that the use of interactive technologies is one of the effective means of activating the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren. In particular, different types of interactive technologies, features of their application at different stages of the mathematics lesson in elementary school are considered. Practical aspects of using relevant interactive tools are considered in detail. The conducted experimental research is described, the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the activation of the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren in mathematics lessons and the main indicators of the activation of the cognitive activity of elementary school students are defined. A conclusion was made about the expediency and possibility of using interactive technologies in mathematics lessons in elementary grades. Prospective directions of research in the direction of using new interactive tools to activate the cognitive activity of elementary school students in mathematics lessons are outlined.


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How to Cite

Pavlyshyn, S., & Sharan, O. (2024). Interactive technologies as a means of activating the cognitive activity of elementary school students in mathematics lessons. International Science Journal of Education & Linguistics, 3(5), 26–33.



Theory, practice and methods of education