Maya Kovalchuk

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Computer Technologies and System Modeling, Polissky National University, Ukraine, Zhytomyr.

Research profile (Orcid, Google Scholar, Scopus authors, others):

Google Scholar:



Official Web page:

She is the author and co-author of 42 publications, including co-authorship of five patents, 12 articles in scientific professional publications, and 20 articles in other scientific publications. Based on the research results, she has written and published the textbooks "Graphical Technologies of Visual-Communicative Environment" and "Fundamentals of Web Programming." Some of her scientific works are listed on Google Scholar.

Research areas: multimedia educational systems, multimedia, web design, system modeling.


  1. Kovalchuk M., Maievskyi O. (2023). Avtomatyzatsiya pidboru kadrovoho skladu za pryntsypamy nechitkoi lohiky. Elektronne modelyuvannya. 2023. T. 45, № 1. S. 54–62. URL:
  2. Kovalchuk M., Maievskyi O. (2023). Matematichne modelyuvannya stokhastychnoi dynamiky vzayemodiyi sotsialnykh hrup v protsesi intehrovanoho navchannya. Elektronne modelyuvannya. 2023. T. 45, № 3. S. 72–81. URL:
  3. Kovalchuk M.O. (2023). Osoblyvosti vykorystannya proektnoho metodu pid chas vyvchennya osvitnoi komponenty "Rozrobka mobilnykh zastosunkiv". Visnyk Zhytomyrskoho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka. Pedahohichni nauky. 2023. №2 (113). URL:
  4. Kovalchuk M.O., Maievskyi O.V. (2023). Suchasni tekhnolohii pidhotovky multymediynykh tvorchykh produktiv. Prospective and priority directions of scientific research in technical and agricultural sciences: collective monograph / Gladilin V., Siroshtan T., Sviderska T., Shudra N. – etc. – International Science Group. Boston : Primedia eLaunch, 2023. rr. 191-215. Available at : DOI – 10.46299/ISG.2023.MONO.TECH.3 (
  5. Kovalchuk M., Maievskyi O. (2023). Osnovy web-prohramuvannya : navch.-metod. posib. Zhytomyr : Polis. nats. un-t, 2023. 152 s.
  6. Kovalchuk M.O., Voitsekhivskyi V.B. (2023). Modelyuvannya informatsiynoi systemy internet-mahazynu. The 21th International scientific and practical conference "Scientists and methods of using modern technologies" (May 30 – June 02, 2023). Melbourne, Australia. International Science Group. 2023. S. 457-460. –
  7. Kovalchuk M., Maievskyi O. (2023). Modelyuvannya protsesu pidhotovky maibutnikh fakhivtsiv z komp'yuternykh nauk zasobamy kryterialnoi sitky. Basics of learning the latest theories and methods: Proceedings of the IX International scientific and practical conference. (March 07–10, 2023). Boston, USA: International Science Group, 2023. pp. 436–442. –
  8. Kovalchuk M.O., Voitsekhivskyi V.B. (2023). Web-oriyentovana pidsystema internet-mahazynu. The 19th International scientific and practical conference "Innovative approaches to solving scientific problems" (May 16 – 19, 2023) Tokyo, Japan. International Science Group. 2023. pp. 439-442. –
  9. Kovalchuk M.O., Hodovanyi A.R. (2023). Spetsyfikatsiya stanu proektovanoho prohramnoho zabezpechennya dlya avtomatyzatsii prodazhu kvytkiv v kinoteatri. The 22th International scientific and practical conference "Modern theories and improvement of world methods" (June 06 – 09, 2023) Helsinki, Finland. International Science Group. 2023. pp. 439-442. –
  10. Kovalchuk M.O. (2021). Style direction "UNISEX" as a design practice in fashion design / M. O. Kovalchuk et al. Art and Design. 2021. No. 1. pp. 9–20. URL:
  11. Kovalchuk M.O. (2022). Rozrobka ta vykorystannia zvuku v unity, yak zasobu pidsylennia spriynyattia. Nauka, osvita, tekhnolohii i suspilstvo: tendentsii, vyklyky, perspektyvy: zbirk tesei dopovidei Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (Zhytomyr, 12 lystopada 2022 r.): u 2 ch. Zhytomyr: TsFEND, 2022. Ch. 2. pp. 46-48 –
  12. Kovalchuk M.O., Kovalchuk I.V. (2022). Dosvid vykorystannia tekhnolohii dystantsiinoho navchannia studentiv v umovakh pandemii ta voyennoho stanu. Tsinnisno-oriyentovanyi pidkhid v osviti i vyklyky yevrointehratsii: mater. III Vseukr. nauk.-metod. konf. (Sumy, 18 chervnia 2022 r.) / red. kolehiia: V.M. Zavhorodnia, A.M. Kulish, ta in. Sumy: Sumskyi derzhavnyi universytet, 2022. pp. 93-96. –
  1. Kovalchuk M.O., Kolesnyk N.Ye. Hrafichnyi dyzain ta komp'iuterna hrafika: monohrafiia. Kyiv: Mizhrehionalna Akademiia upravlinnia personalom, DP Vydavnychiy dim "Personal" 2020. 440 s. –
  2. Kovalchuk M.O., Kolesnyk N.Ye. Psychopedagogical Features of Color in Design: Monograph. Kyiv: Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Publishing House "Personal" DP, 2020. 284 p. -
  3. Kovalchuk M., Korolyuk O. (2020). Features of Using Multimedia as a Means of Forming Mathematical Competence. New Learning Technologies. 2020. No. 94. P. 167–173. URL:
  4. Kovalchuk M., Vasilyeva O., Khinevich R. (2019). Graphic Technologies of Visual-Communicative Environment: Educational Manual. Kyiv: Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, 2019. 120 p.