The methodology of studying terminology in Ukrainian language classes by students of a medical university
Ukrainian language, occupation training, communicative competence, medical terminology, terminological synonymy, terminological antonymy, terminological eponyAbstract
Medical terminology was, is and will remain the most difficult area for linguistic research. Medical terminology carries both the past and the present developments in it. This can be seen from a huge part of the terminological database that remained unchanged, despite the fact that science has been developing continuously. But then there is the rapid development of medicine, new technologies, a large number of new diagnosis methods and treatments, medical devices and tools, which undoubtedly expanded medical terminology, and all those changes made the problem of today’s terminological competence of a professional even more pressing. Teaching medical terminology to students who just began learning the Ukrainian language is an important component in the process of improving their professional competence. Studying occupational scientific terminology is extremely important for expanding and activating the occupational vocabulary of future doctors. It helps develop the culture of written as well as oral use of professional language, which will generally improve the quality of training of healthcare professionals. By mastering the medical terminology glossary as a means of professional communication students will be able to learn the material of the curriculum subjects for highly trained specialists and to improve more easily. Problems arising in the process of learning terminology are usually semantic. When creating a system of exercises for teaching the use of terminology, peculiarities of medical terminology, such as terminological synonymy, terminological antonymy, terminological epony, etc. should be taken into account. Training texts studied in practical Ukrainian language sessions must have an adequate semantic structure that meets the same requirements as an occupational text, which will help maintain the connection between all language behaviours, as well as develop long-term memory while mastering medical terminology. Variants of techniques covered in this article, their creative interpretation and application at the stage of learning medical terminology will help plan interesting and productive practical activities for students.
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