Features of legal terminology translation
legal term, semantics of the term, national term system, translation transformationsAbstract
The article presents the results of theoretical research in the field of legal terminology translation. Features of the functioning of legal terms in English and Ukrainian have been established. A legal term designates a concept and determines its semantics. Its meaning should be clear and fixed. Legal terminology covers terms that belong purely to the professional sphere and are lexically, semantically, and grammatically related. The characteristics of national terminology systems are described. The national terminology system has the following characteristics: the presence of national terms and their synonymy; the semantics of the term is determined by the primary source; the laconic nature of the terms and the possibility of their derivation; development of the term system due to borrowings. The unambiguity of the term, its independence from the context is leveled due to polysemy. It is not always easy to choose the right variant of the term translation. The existence of variability in the choice of translation indicates its origin from different legal systems. The difficulties of translating legal terminology have been clarified. The following difficulties of legal texts’ translation are highlighted as following: lack of equivalent terms; a specific legal system is served only by national terms; use of legal language only for professional purposes; some terms do not have the only one definition. The translation of legal terms takes place in two directions: analytical and synthetic. Defining the strategy of translating legal terms is planning the use of certain translation tools, which involves: analysis of the meaning of the term in the original text; comparison of the functioning and meaning of the term in two languages; selection of the respondent or counterpart; the use of translation transformations in the absence of a respondent, namely: transcription, transliteration, tracing, etc. To select a Ukrainian equivalent or counterpart during translation, the following are used: descriptive translation; choice of analogue; explanation of transliteration; semantic tracing; consecutive translation of each word of the word combination of the term; application of descriptive translation.
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