Evaluative lexicon as a characteristic of modern political discourse
political discourse, evaluative lexicon, lexicon of political discourse, semantics, ideological polysemy, marked lexicon, polythemeAbstract
The article examines the peculiarities of the functioning of evaluative lexical units in the communicative space of political discourse. The peculiarities of political discourse as a communicative phenomenon are clarified. They include extralinguistic factors: social, cultural-historical, ideological, psychological context, as well as a number of communicative and pragmatic target instructions of the addressee and interactions with the addressee,. It was established that political discourse is a type of institutional discourse that has characteristic system-forming features and functions: suggestive, persuasive, informative and expressive. Such signs of political discourse are characterized by a gradual nature. Features of functioning and specifics of implementation of evaluative vocabulary in modern political discourse are described. It was found that the valuable connotation of language units is manifested at all levels of the language system. As an extralinguistic category, the concept of "estimate" appears in the semantic structure of the word as an evaluative component. Three types of evaluation are distinguished: functional, connotative, and pragmatic. The following features of the semantics of political vocabulary are considered as factors of semantic uncertainty: breadth of meaning; abstraction; the complexity of the meaning, which is due to the complexity of the denotation itself; blurred semantic boundaries of words of gradual semantics; interdiscursive ambiguity; relativity of designation; ideological polysemy. Various classifications of evaluative lexicon are presented, reflecting the manifestation of the category of evaluation in language: negative-evaluative and positive-evaluative vocabulary; usual-evaluative and occasional-evaluative vocabulary; constant-evaluative and chrono-evaluative vocabulary; personally and socially evaluative vocabulary. It was determined that in the context of political discourse, ideologically marked evaluative lexicon, which serves as an expression of the views and ideas of certain social groups, occupies a special place.References
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