International Science Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy is an electronic scientific periodical registered in an EU country. eISSN 2720-6769 received from the ISSN National Center for Poland. The journal is an electronic peer-reviewed publication. The team of reviewers includes many scientists with diverse scientific interests according to the thematic sections of the journal. The publication accepts the results of scientific works in legal and philosophical fields, which highlight research results or are reviews. Thematic editions are listed directly on the magazine's section page.
Published in the International Science Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy are placed in many scientometrics databases, which will contribute to the dissemination of works in the scientific environment and contribute to increasing the citation indices of each of the authors. The publication provides for the assignment of a DOI to each published manuscript, which meets the current trends in the coverage of scientific articles.
Periodicity of the publication - once every two months. Magazine issues are scheduled for the following months: February, April, June, August, October and December.