Local self-government systems in the context of the reform of power decentralization in Ukraine
decentralization, system of local self-government, Anglo-Saxon system, Romano-Germanic (continental) system, Iberian system, Soviet system, principles of local self-government, prefectAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of local self-government systems and the selection of their individual elements, which can be used in the process of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine in the continuation of the reform of decentralization of power. The Anglo-Saxon system of local self-government is considered, the main principles of its construction are highlighted, and elements that can be applied in Ukraine are determined. The Romano-Germanic (continental) system of local self-government is analyzed. The basic principles of its functioning in various European states are defined in accordance with the European Charter of Local Self-Government of 1985. The French and Polish types of the local self-government system within the framework of the continental system of local self-government are highlighted. The system of local self-government and the administrative-territorial system of France are studied. The significant complexity of the administrative-territorial system of France compared to Ukraine is emphasized. It is indicated which elements of the system of French local self-government can be used in Ukraine. The system of local self-government in Poland was studied and it was noted that currently the reform of decentralization of power in Ukraine partially takes into account Poland's experience in building an administrative-territorial system and a system of local self-government bodies at the basic, subregional and regional levels. Recommendations on further usage of the Polish and French experience of reforms of the decentralization of power are provided. The Iberian and Soviet systems of local self-government are studied, and their main features are named. It is emphasized that the Soviet model of local self-government retains its scientific value and is interesting from the point of view of studying totalitarian, excessively centralized state management systems. Prospects for the application of certain elements of the Iberian system of local self-government, as a system of the transition period, in the de-occupied territories for the fastest possible restoration of the territories and permanent representation of the central government to ensure greater control of the situation in the territory with an unbalanced management system have been determined.
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