

classification, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, stablecoin, token, digital currency, virtual assets, private currency, alternative money


Today we can state that these technologies have created the basis for the formation of a fundamentally new environment of legal regulation, penetrating into a wide variety of areas of human activity. And such a new technological environment based on digital technologies significantly affects various spheres of life, such as financial, political, social, and other. The influence of the modern "digital revolution" began to extend to the formation of the relevant norms of national legislation, which led to the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Virtual Assets". The purpose of the article is to develop a study aimed at trying to form a classification of the latest elements of digital technologies that have more found their application in the financial sector of the economy and have the common well-known name "cryptocurrency" and adopted in domestic legislation the expression "virtual assets" with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Virtual Assets". In the study, we call them digital financial technology. And to form their general classification, on the basis of their inherent characteristic features. The purpose of the article is not how much to present the classification of virtual assets proposed in the Law Ukraine "On Virtual Assets", as in the presentation on the background of their existing alternative classification. During the study, general scientific research methods were used - deduction and induction, synthesis and analysis, scientific abstraction, systematic approach; specifically - legal methods of cognition - formally legal; legal forecasting, retrospective and comparative-legal method; methodological substantiation of the essence, nature, and structure of terminology, which is the object of research. The study showed the existing versatility of classifications in the world, and the author proposed, on the basis of existing classifications, his own vision for grouping the objects of research of "cryptocurrency" into four groups: DFT-gaming, DFT-prepaid, DFT - national currency, DFT - interethnic currency.


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How to Cite

Hrytsai, S. (2022). CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS OF THE LATEST DIGITAL FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY. International Science Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy, 1(2), 1–15. Retrieved from