Methodology of the study of the organizational foundations of the activity of the investigator in the investigation of criminal offenses
criminal investigation activity, activity approach in criminalistics, detective activity, system-activity approach, activity analysis, crime detection activity, criminal activity, object of forensics researchAbstract
The purpose of the publication is to clarify the possibility and expediency of using the "activity approach" as a methodological basis for the investigation of criminal offenses carried out by the investigator. It has been proven that in domestic science the concept of "activity" sometimes plays a fundamental, central, methodological role when studying the patterns of development of scientific objects. The direction of methodological use of the "structure of activity" during the study of research objects has received the name "activity approach" in science. It is concluded that "activity" has become a basic category for various natural and social sciences. For example, in psychology, it is defined as "outgoing" and "most important". Activity in psychology and philosophy is used along with such terms as "reflection", "personality", "communication". And categories, as you know, are a certain "tool" that allows you to process the phenomena and objects studied by science, to explain them. The category "activity" is closely related to the basic categories of philosophy and psychology. In particular, the category "activity" is closely related to mental reflection. It is believed that mental reflection is generated in no other way than in the process of "practical activity". In addition, it is impossible to understand the genesis and functioning of mental reflection in isolation from "activity". Universal components of activity are defined as: the subject with its needs; the purpose according to which the object is transformed; the object to which the activity is directed; an object that "transforms" in the process of carrying out an activity. At the same time, all these transformations are carried out with the help of tools, which are tools of labor created by people – equipment and technology. All these components of activity, during human thinking and practical activity, are divided into two types: ideal and material. The activity itself is their mutual transformation, that is, it has a "dual nature". On the one hand, in the course of the activity, the "subject" deals with the existing "object" and, focusing on it, creates its ideal image - a theoretical attitude to the world. On the other hand, a person creates an "ideal image of the desired", according to which the object is transformed (that is, it is a practical attitude to the world). It was concluded that the "activity approach", along with the methods of forensic science, as well as other methodological approaches (informational, systemic, synergistic, prognostic, etc.) is fruitfully used by modern scientists for the purpose of researching the objects of forensic science, improving and optimizing modern practice of detection , disclosure, investigation and prevention of criminal offenses. The objects of scientific research of forensic science are generally recognized as two main ones: "criminal activity" and "activities for the detection, disclosure, investigation and prevention of criminal offenses." Along with this, differentiated types of "forensic activity", in particular: "investigative activity", "expert activity", "judicial activity", "operational investigative activity", etc., are fruitfully researched separately. The use of the "activity approach" in criminalistics, along with other approaches and methods, gives the science the opportunity to obtain qualitatively new integrative knowledge, and therefore to constantly enrich and improve it, in particular, in our opinion, it will also be fruitful in the study of the organizational foundations of the activity of the investigative investigator criminal offences.References
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