
If complaints are received by the editorial office, their validity is checked. If the complaint is substantiated, it is reviewed by the editors in accordance with COPE recommendations. If the complaint has features of a defamatory nature or is not properly substantiated, the editorial office requests the provision of facts to confirm the validity of the complaint. If such facts and arguments are not provided, the complaint is not considered. In the event that the complaint concerns an already published article and its validity is proven, the published article withdrawal policy applies.

Complaints give the editorial board an opportunity to improve the quality of the magazine, to improve the content of the publishing policy and procedure.

The complaint should be sent to the editorial office by email, clearly indicating the nature of the complaint, its subject and authorship.

The editorial board considers the following complaints:

complaints related to the authorship of the published material;

complaints related to the presence of plagiarism in published research materials;

complaints related to the publication of an article that has already been published in another journal;

complaints related to appropriation of research results and fabrication of data;

complaints related to the presence of errors in the process of conducting research;

complaints related to violations of research standards;

complaints related to an undisclosed conflict of interest;

complaints related to harmful actions of reviewers;

complaints related to recommendations for improving the publishing policy.

Complaints Policy

The editorial board responds to complaints. A confirmation letter is sent to the complainant confirming the receipt of the complaint. The editorial board undertakes to consider the complaint on its merits and notify the complainant. The decision is sent to the complainant by e-mail. The detailed procedure for dealing with complaints is given in the COPE flowchart.