Oleh Semenenko
Doctor of military sciences, professor, head of the research department of the economic analysis of construction and development activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
professor of the Department of Military Training of the National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Research profile (Orcid, Google Scholar, Scopus authors, others):
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6477-3414
Publons (Web of Science ResearcherID):https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/847500
Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57216876722
Academic titles:
Doctor of military sciences, specialty - Construction of the Armed Forces
professor specialty - management of troops (forces)
Publications included in Web of Science and Scopus:
- Semenenko, O., Kirsanov, S., Mashkin, O., Pravdyvets, O., Petrozhalko, V. Mathematic Model of the Troop Management Cycle based on a Continuous Markov Chain for an Automated Control System. Iranian Journal of War and Public Healththis link is disabled, 2022, 14(3), pp. 271–278
- Semenenko, O., Marko, I., Chernyshova, I., Koverga, V., Pekuliak, R. Methodological Aspects of the Military-Economic Significance of Agriculture and Modern Problems of Military Food Resources in Ukraine | Методологічні аспекти воєнно-економічного значення сільського господарства та сучасні проблеми продовольчих ресурсів воєнного призначення в Україні. Scientific Horizonsthis link is disabled, 2021, 24(8), pp. 81–97
- Semenenko, O., Minochkin, A., Vasylenko, S., Klepikov, V., Pravdyvets, O. Assessment of the Impact of the Armed Conflict in Ukraine on the Development of the Agricultural Sector and Price Setting | Оцінювання впливу збройного конфлікту на території України на розвиток сільськогосподарської галузі та ціноутворення її продукції. Scientific Horizonsthis link is disabled, 2021, 24(7), pp. 68–80
- Semenenko, O., Solomitsky, A., Onofriichuk, P., ...Skurinevska, L., Pekuliak, R. Methodical Approach to Assessing Level of the State Energy Security and Its Influence on the National Security and Economy of the Country | Методичний підхід до оцінювання рівня енергетичної безпеки держави та її впливу на національну безпеку та економіку країни. Scientific Horizonsthis link is disabled, 2021, 24(4), pp. 90–96
- Romanchenko, I. S., Semenenko, O., Sliusarenko, M., Vasianovych, M., Levchenko, I. On the development of mathematical models for the reliability evaluation of aircraft operation in combat conditions. INCAS Bulletinthis link is disabled, 2021, 13(Special Issue), pp. 169–178
- Semenenko, O., Khomchak, R., Kirsanov, S., Dobrovolskyi, U., Shyhyda, A. A mathematical model for describing the operation of airborne gun-laying radars in conditions of active counteraction to enemy interference and military-economic assessment of the feasibility of its implementation. INCAS Bulletinthis link is disabled, 2021, 13(Special Issue), pp. 193–208
- Semenenko, O., Remez, A., Klepikov, V., Cherep, V., Kharitonov, K. Methodology for substantiating the choice of the optimal aerial and ground reconnaissance-strike complexes according to the integral criterion “efficiency-cost-time”. INCAS Bulletinthis link is disabled, 2021, 13(Special Issue), pp. 217–232
- Semenenko, O., Mashkin, O., Onofriichuk, P., Paiuk, O., Cherevatyi, T. Features of application of the Lanchester-type mathematical models in stochastic formulation when assessing the realities of air-land battle. INCAS Bulletinthis link is disabled, 2021, 13(Special Issue), pp. 209–215
- Semenenko, O.M., Moskalenko, I.V., Marko, Y.I., Remez, A.V., Momot, D.S. Method of forecasting the development of the armed forces of Ukraine with consideration of the factors of adequacy of funding and efficiency of development of financial resources | Método de previsión del desarrollo de las fuerzas armadas de ucrania teniendo en cuenta los factores de adecuación de la financiación y la eficacia del desarrollo de los recursos financieros. Estudios de Economia Aplicada, 2021, 39(6)
- Semenenko, O.M., Pavlovskyi, O.V., Boiko, R.V., Chernyshova, I.M., Skurinevska, L.V. Main methodological aspects of military-economic support of the national defence capability as a basic element of protection of Ukraine’s national interests. Asia Life Sciences, 2020, Supp22(2), pp. 739–752.
- Semenenko, O. M., Pavlovskyi O.V., Solomitsky A. I., Zvarych, S.S., Skurinevska L.V.Modern aspects of sustainable development of military and economic security principles and practices Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilita, 2020, pp. 111–128.
- Semenenko, O. M., Dobrovolskyi U.B., Sliusarenko M.O., Zvarych S.S., Zvarych A.O. Methodical approach to evaluating the effectiveness of electronic counter-countermeasures to airborne interference stations in aerial combat INCAS Bulleten, 2020, 12 (si), pp.149-157.
Certification training:
2004-2022 - Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
2015-2022 - National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine