Convergence and divergence processes of countries economic development under globalization


  • Iryna Shemakhina Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



globalization, deglobalization, convergence, divergence, global imbalances, economic development, integration, COVID-19, invasion to Ukraine


The article analyses the degree of national economies interconnection and interdependence on the basis of calculation of the dynamics of β-deviation and δ-deviation indicators of the group of developed countries and the group of developing countries for the period 1995-2021 It is proved that the processes of divergence between countries, the asymmetry of their development and the growth of global disproportions, as well as the processes of convergence, manifested in the formation of individual clusters, are taking place simultaneously, which requires additional in-depth studies at the country level.


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How to Cite

Shemakhina, I. (2023). Convergence and divergence processes of countries economic development under globalization. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(3), 13–20.



Economics and Management of National Economy

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