Analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of the international tourism market




international tourism, tourism market, globalization, COVID-19 pandemic, tourism infrastructure, tourism services, international arrivals, arrivals, recovery, development trends


The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a significant blow to the international tourism market, resulting in job losses, reduced incomes, and rising unemployment. Therefore, studying the impact of the pandemic on the development of the international tourism market is relevant and important. This article focuses on analyzing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the international tourism industry in the context of globalization. It highlights key aspects and trends that emerged during the crisis period and influenced the development of the tourism market. The authors specifically concentrate on the pandemic's effects on the global travel network, encompassing changes in demand, restrictions on international travel, and the industry's adaptation to new global challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has been identified as the cause of the most significant drop in international tourism in human history. It led to a sharp decline in the number of international tourist arrivals, export earnings from tourism, and the economic contribution of tourism to the world economy. The impact of the pandemic on international tourism varied across regions, with the Asia-Pacific region being the most affected, experiencing an 84% decrease in international tourist arrivals. The authors pinpoint the main challenges facing the industry after the pandemic, such as changes in demand, restrictions on international travel, and the reorganization of tourism services and infrastructure. The study also explores possibilities for recovery and adaptation of the tourism industry to new realities post-pandemic, with particular attention given to strategies and innovations that can restore interest in international travel and enhance the competitiveness of countries in the global tourism market. It was found that the recovery of international tourism is progressing slowly. In 2022, international tourist arrivals were still 34% lower than in 2019. The study determined that the development of tourism in the post-pandemic period will be influenced by trend changes such as the prioritization of health and safety, shifts in consumer behavior, a desire for unique emotional experiences, new forms of employment, digital transformation, and the emphasis on ecotourism. Taking these trends into account will contribute to the recovery of the tourism industry and ensure its sustainable development in the future.


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How to Cite

Zaika, S., & Avriata, A. (2024). Analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of the international tourism market. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 3(2), 56–68.

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