Study of a regular thermal regime in a liquid medium limited by a thin-walled metal cylinder




cooling rate, regular regime, thermocouple, temperature


Experimental studies of heat transfer from a vertical cylindrical wall to experimental environments with known information on thermophysical properties were performed. The research was conducted on an experimental stand, which consists of an outer metal vessel that has a cylindrical shape, an inner metal cylindrical vessel, an insulated metal cover from the outside, thermocouples, a device for collecting information from thermocouples and transferring it to a computer. It was determined that the relationship for the excess temperature ln(ϑ) = f(τ), which is characteristic of the regular thermal regime of solid bodies, is maintained on the interval studied for the systems.


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How to Cite

Vlasenko, O., Tkachenko, S., & Tkachuk, V. (2023). Study of a regular thermal regime in a liquid medium limited by a thin-walled metal cylinder. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 2(4), 35–46.