Biocontrol of vegetable crop diseases using bacillus subtilis-based preparations
cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, diseases, biological preparations, efficiency, productivityAbstract
To control the disease of tomatoes, cucumbers and white cabbage during the growing season, spraying of plants with biological preparations Serenada ASO, KS, Serenada MAKS WP, ZP based on Bacillus subtilis bacteria was used. The protective effect of biological preparations was compared with the effect of the bacterial preparation Kazumin 2L, RK (Streptomyces kasugaensis, 20 g/l) and the fungicide Koside 2000, v.g. (copper hydroxide, 538 g/kg), 2.5 kg/g (on tomatoes and cucumbers). the fungicide was used at a consumption rate of 1.25 kg/ha. It was shown that biological preparations effectively controlled both fungal and bacterial diseases of vegetable crops. The effectiveness of biological preparations on tomatoes against alternariosis was on average 46%, against late blight - 62%, against black bacterial spot - 47%, on cucumbers against downy mildew - 33%, against bacteriosis - 38%, on white cabbage against vascular bacteriosis - 76%, against mucous bacteriosis - 77%. The highest protective effect of the drugs is provided by their prophylactic use. The effectiveness of the simultaneous application in one tank mixture of biological preparations with a fungicide, where the consumption rate of the chemical preparation was reduced by half, was not inferior to the fungicide with the full consumption rate. The biological preparations Serenada ASO SC, KC and Serenada MAKS WP, ZP helped to increase the yield of tomato fruits by an average of 18 %, cucumber - by 20-21%, white cabbage - by 51-85%. At the same time, some cultivated products improved: the marketability of products increased by an average of 18%.References
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