Cyberattack execution mechanisms and their analytical identification


  • Anastasiia Vavilenkova Department of Cyber security / Educational and Scientific Institute for Information Security and Strategic Communications, National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Oleksii Skitsko Centre of Cyber security / Educational and Scientific Institute for Information Security and Strategic Communications, National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Artem Piven Educational and Scientific Institute for Information Security and Strategic Communications, National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine



cyber-attacks, cybercriminals, Wireshark, utility, DDoS attack, exploit


This article addresses the imperative of organizing information and cyber security to counter cyber threats. The authors scrutinize two primary techniques employed in Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks: the logical approach, utilizing software vulnerabilities to induce critical errors leading to system malfunction, and the inundation of the targeted computer with a substantial volume of information packets. The study focuses on implementing a prevalent form of DDoS attack known as SYN flood using the Kali Linux utility Hping3. This utility accommodates fragmentation, arbitrary packet size, and facilitates the transmission of files encapsulated in supported protocols. For the detection of SYN flood attacks, the authors propose the utilization of Wireshark software. Experimental investigations demonstrate the efficacy of employing the analyzer with subsequent filter configuration for the identification of specific attack types. The primary objective of cyber defense is emphasized as not only thwarting the initial attack but also promptly detecting it amidst a multitude of events. Proactive measures to prevent cybercrimes include the establishment of comprehensive databases containing known system vulnerabilities and attack signatures, the deployment of early warning sensors and notification networks, the fostering of information exchange in cyber intelligence, the formulation of information security management standards, and the enactment of new legislation addressing the prevention of cyberattacks. Consequently, conducting a greater number of experiments focused on cyberattack detection contributes to the development of an extensive repository of countermeasures against cyber threats.


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How to Cite

Vavilenkova, A., Skitsko, O., & Piven, A. (2023). Cyberattack execution mechanisms and their analytical identification. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 2(6), 31–38.

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