Interpretation of the architecture of the Ukrainian church Vadym Shcherbakivskyi


  • Hanna Oliinyk department of Theory, History of Architecture and Synthesis of Arts / department of architectural design, National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine



V. Shcherbakivskyi, research, Ukrainian church architecture, tradition, architectural form


The point of view of the outstanding scientist, ethnographer, anthropologist and art critic Vadym Shcherbakivskyi, who distinguished himself in numerous fields through scientific research and synthesizing works, is of particular interest, particularly in the context of his views on Ukrainian culture and the architecture of Ukrainian churches. At the current stage of development, when the church is woven into the rhythms of modern life with its urban and architectural style, the research and scientific conclusions of V. Shcherbakivskyi, regarding the national characteristics of sacred buildings of Ukraine, become especially relevant. The church, as a work of architectural art, is not only intended to express the highest feelings and moods of the community, but also actively realizes its desire to occupy a suitable place in the spiritual and mental life of new generations. The modern architect who designs the temple faces the task of finding the optimal solution in reproduction in the latest construction technologies and materials, without violating the canonical and liturgical principles, to improve and bring the ancient image closer to modernity. The importance of the temple is revealed through its general image, the concept of space for worship, the importance attached to its semantics, as well as attention to its structure and form. Consideration of archetypes, preserved traditions, the search for harmony and a sense of beauty complement this image. In the end, for Ukrainians, the church is not only an architectural heritage, but also a manifestation of the theological meaning that has been embodied for thousands of years. For us, the position of V. Shcherbakivskyi is particularly interesting from a purely artistic point of view: the creation of architectural ensembles and the desire for an organic connection of sacred buildings with the urban environment. Among such creative searches, the idealistic concepts of the interpretation of church architecture by V. Shcherbakivskyi, which are based on deep research findings, confirmed by mathematical calculations, represent invaluable theoretical material.


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How to Cite

Oliinyk, H. (2024). Interpretation of the architecture of the Ukrainian church Vadym Shcherbakivskyi. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 3(1), 1–7.

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