Determination of the value of the welding and heating pulses of the current during the restoration of the clutch cams


  • Oleksandr Tihonov Department of service engineering and technology of materials in mechanical engineering named after O.I. Sidashenko / Faculty of Mechatronics and Engineering, State Biotechnological University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Ivan Rybalko Department of service engineering and technology of materials in mechanical engineering named after O.I. Sidashenko / Faculty of Mechatronics and Engineering, State Biotechnological University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Martynenko Department of service engineering and technology of materials in mechanical engineering named after O.I. Sidashenko / Faculty of Mechatronics and Engineering, State Biotechnological University, Kharkiv, Ukraine



cam couplings, recovery, electric contact welding, welding current pulse, heating current pulse, forming


Currently used surfacing methods for restoring cams have a significant labor-intensive mechanical processing, a large consumption of filler material and low indicators of the strength of the restored reliefs. The purpose of the work is to improve the quality of welding filler material and form-forming deposition due to effective means of heat concentration in the body of the restored relief based on the calculation of process parameters. The most promising way to restore the clutch cams is to weld filler material to the top of the cam with a simultaneous molding of the profile. During processing, the additive material is placed on the outer surface of the relief and welded by the electric contact method. To improve the quality of filler material welding, reduce electrode wear, and optimize the cam forming process, the first welding current pulse provides welding of the material to the top of the cam and is partially used in the initial deformation period, and the second welding pulse determines the completion of the forming process with simultaneous deposition. Taking into account the analogy of the processes of heat generation during electric contact welding, as the basis of the proposed method of calculating the welding and heating current pulses during the restoration of electric contact welding with a simultaneous forming deposit, the method of calculating the value of the welding current based on the heat balance equation of O.S. Helman. The method of calculating the main parameters of the mode of recovery of the clutch cams by electrocontact welding of the fit material with simultaneous forming deposit based on the heat balance equation is described. The given results are in good agreement with the current values of the welding and heating pulses of the current obtained in the process of experimental restoration of the parts and allow them to be used to calculate the temperature fields in the body of the part.


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How to Cite

Tihonov, O., Rybalko, I., & Martynenko, O. (2024). Determination of the value of the welding and heating pulses of the current during the restoration of the clutch cams. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 3(2), 85–95.

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