Qualitative indicators of rape varieties (Brassica napus oleifera Metzg L.) in accordance with modern requirements





Fatty acids, Variety model, Direction of use, Oil, Rapeseed oil, Fractional composition


rapeseed is an important source of obtaining cheap vegetable oil, which is used in almost all branches of the national economy: food, metallurgical, medical, chemical, automotive industry. High productivity of the culture can be ensured only by new modern varieties and hybrids with improved indicators of productivity and biochemical composition of seeds, adapted to the ecological conditions of the growing area. Before starting breeding work, you need to make a variety model with the specified quality indicators, hidden in the subconscious of an experienced breeder. Changing the fatty acid composition of rapeseed oil is a primary task of rapeseed breeding. The quality and direction of its use depends on the percentage content of fatty acids in rapeseed oil. Seed quality is characterized by a set of indicators that meet the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation. A single regulatory document that would determine the quality of rapeseed for the production needs of the modern market has not been found. From the analyzed existing regulatory documentation and scientific literature, regarding the parameters of the fractional composition of fatty acids and the content of glucosinolates in different types of rapeseed of technical and food use, the fractional composition of oil and the content of glucosinolates for different types of rapeseed models were determined. Seeds of varieties of the technical direction of use "++" and "+0" must contain glucosinolates and erucic acid at a level > 4.0; 45.0–55.0 and 2.0–3.0; > 47.0 %, respectively. The seeds of food grade "0+" varieties must contain glucosinolates no more than 2.0 %, erucic acid 0–2.0 %, saturated acids 8 % (palmitic – 7.0 and stearic – 1 %), simple unsaturated oleic – 56.0–66.0 % and polyunsaturated 27 % (linoleic – 25.0 and linolenic – 2.0 %). The content of glucosinolates should not exceed 2.0 % in the seeds of food grade "00" varieties, erucic acid is not allowed, palmitic and stearic acids should be 10.0 and 1.0–2.0 %, respectively. The content of oleic acid is at the level of 65.0–69.0 %, linoleic acid is more than 25.0 %, and linolenic acid is less than 2 %. In the seeds of varieties of the food direction of use "000", the mass of the shell should not exceed 13.0 %, the fat content in the seeds should be more than 50.0 %, glucosinolates should not exceed 2.0 %, erucic acid is not allowed, palmitic and stearic acids should to be, respectively, 10.0 and 1.0 %. The content of oleic acid is more than 70.0 %, linoleic acid is more than 25.0 %, and linolenic acid is less than 2 %. This study was conducted to determine the fractional oil composition and glucosinolate content for different types of rapeseed models. The obtained results with the specified parameters are recommended to be used by breeders and producers for the creation and cultivation of new varieties of rapeseed of different types and direction of use.


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How to Cite

Kyrylchuk, A., Bezprozvana, I., Ivanitskaya, A., Shcherbynina, N., & Prysiazhniuk, L. (2024). Qualitative indicators of rape varieties (Brassica napus oleifera Metzg L.) in accordance with modern requirements. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 3(5), 55–67. https://doi.org/10.46299/j.isjea.20240305.06

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