
  • Annaguly Deryaev Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern „Turkmengas”, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan


Displacement, vertical, along the hole, intensity, directional section, wellhead


When deciding to use the method of dual completion, the degree of depletion of reserves, the proximity of the oil-bearing contour to wells, the presence of resins and paraffin in the extracted oils, the thickness of productive layers and the non-permeable layers separating them, the state of the production column of wells, etc. are taken into account. The positive effect of applying the technology dual completion is expressed in a reduction in capital investments for the construction of wells for each of the operational facilities, in reducing operating costs and the development period of a multi-layer field, in increasing the production of hydrocarbons and the term of final oil recovery with cost-effective operation of wells. In addition, the use of this technology contributes to an increase in the utilization rate of downhole equipment and the reliability of the downhole installation. When two horizons are operated separately at the same time, the layers are separated from each other by a packer. One or two rows of pumping and compressor pipes descend into the well, which are lowered in parallel or concentrically. With dual completion of two or more horizons, reservoir development can be carried out according to the following schemes: fountain-fountain; fountain-pump; fountain-gas lift; fountain-injection; gas lift-pump; gas lift-gas lift, gas lift-injection; pump-pump; pump-injection; pump-injection. The article considers the experience of drilling a directional exploration well in Turkmenistan in order to trace and clarify the expansion of the area of productive horizons in the coastal zones of the coastal waters of the Caspian Sea. This work can be used for the development of fields in difficult-to-develop shallow waters and to reduce costs during their drilling, as well as to increase the volume of oil produced in order to develop the field using the method of dual completion (accelerated method), without increasing the oil recovery coefficient.


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How to Cite

Deryaev, A. (2022). THE DESIGN PROFILE OF THE DIRECTIONAL WELL ON THE NORTHERN GOTURDEPE FIELD. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 1(3), 110–116. Retrieved from