Justification of scientific studies of tillage machines with rotary working bodies


  • Mykola Korchak Department of Agricultural Engineering and Systems Engineering Names Mykhaila SAMOKISHA, Higher Educational Institution «Podillia State University», Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8726-1881




rotary working body, cutter, theoretical studies, parameters, processing, energy costs, soil


Scientific studies of tillage machines with rotary working bodies are substantiated. The algorithm for calculating the main parameters of milling working bodies is presented, the calculation of the main indicators of their work, in particular the working speed of movement of rotary working bodies, is presented. It is proposed to estimate the energy consumption for soil cultivation by the specific energy intensity of the process, that is, by the work that is spent per unit of its volume. Based on the graphical dependences, it was found that the specific work increases with a decrease in the feed to the knife and an increase in the translational speed, so the working speeds of the cutters are relatively small. At the same time, energy consumption for milling the soil is several times greater than its consumption for plowing. From the given ratios, it can be concluded that at a given translational speed of the cutter, width and depth of milling, soil density, the energy for throwing off soil particles can be reduced if the speed of this process is reduced. The energy to throw away the soil with the cutter depends on the parameters and mode of its operation. In order to reduce the energy consumption for discarding, it is necessary to reduce the diameter and frequency of rotation of the milling drum, the angle of installation of the knives, and also to increase the forward speed of the unit. It has been established that the maximum efficiency is achieved when the width of the knife is reduced. The main energy costs when tilling the soil with rotary machines arise as a result of the repeated action of the working body on the same soil surface. That is, with a low translational speed of movement of the unit, it is necessary to have high revolutions of the rotary working body, which leads to an increase in energy consumption. Preliminary destruction of the soil by passive working bodies reduces the energy intensity of the process, but leads to an increase in the material intensity of the machine.


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How to Cite

Korchak, M. (2024). Justification of scientific studies of tillage machines with rotary working bodies. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 3(6), 16–33. https://doi.org/10.46299/j.isjea.20240306.03

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