Characteristics and mechanical and technological properties of the soils of the Podillya and Polissya zone of Ukraine
mechanical and technological properties, specific resistance, furrow length, angle of inclination of the relief of the field, working conditions of machines, land plot, analysis, soilAbstract
The characteristics and mechanical and technological properties of the soils of the Podillya and Polissуa zone of Ukraine are substantiated. It was established that a change in the moisture content of loamy and clayey soils causes a change in specific resistance by 20-60%. An analysis of the granulometric composition of soils and types of soil formation was carried out. It was established that important technical and economic indicators of land plots are the length of the furrows and the angle of inclination of the topography of the field. The distribution of land plots according to the soil resistivity indicator and the length of the furrow, the angle of inclination of the field relief and the operating conditions of machine units are substantiated, and graphical dependencies are also given. The obtained results were implemented in the educational process of the Higher Educational Institution "Podillia State University" and included in the educational and methodological complex of the discipline "Mechanical and technological properties of agricultural materials". Further development of research on mechanical and technological properties of soils was obtained, which is important for planning technological maps of growing agricultural crops and further designing machines for soil cultivation.
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