Justification of the influence of technological properties of the soil on the separation process and performance indicators of the separators
soil, technological properties, separation process, performance indicators, separation coefficient, separatorAbstract
The influence of the technological properties of the soil on the separation process and performance indicators of the separators, in particular the dependence of the amount of impurities and damage on soil moisture, is substantiated, the separation process and the effect of the separation coefficient on the hardness of the soil are characterized. Mechanical damage to potatoes and the destruction of lumps depend on the following parameters and modes of operation of the working organs of potato harvesters: surface material, angle of inclination of the impact surface, location of installation, type of impact, linear and angular speed. With repeated dynamic action, complete destruction of soil clods is possible with permissible damage to potato tubers, because with an increase in the number of blows, the destruction of soil clods grows faster than damage to potatoes. It is promising to create separating devices, the operating parameters of which can be changed within wide limits to select the optimal operating modes. It is most rational to create separators for specific working conditions or the performance of individual operations in a given technology. The results were implemented in the educational process of the Higher Education Institution «Podillia State University» and included in the educational and methodological complex of the discipline "Mechanical and technological properties of agricultural materials". The further development of research on the influence of technological properties of the soil on the separation process and performance indicators of the separators was obtained.References
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