Justification of the factors affecting the operation of the surfaces of tillage working bodies
influencing factors, tillage working body, surface action, wearing capacity, normal specific pressure, soil slopeAbstract
The factors affecting the operation of the surfaces of tillage working bodies are substantiated. It has been established that it is desirable to cultivate the soil when it is in a "mature state" and when its moisture is optimal and, accordingly, its wearing capacity is low. It is possible to influence the operation only by reducing the normal specific pressure and the relative speed of movement of the soil layer on the surface of the working bodies. It is possible to ensure the effect of normal specific pressure and relative speed of soil movement by changing the geometry of the working bodies. The obtained results were implemented in the educational process of the Higher Educational Institution "Podillia State University" and included in the educational and methodological complex of the discipline "Mechanical and technological properties of agricultural materials". The further development of research on the operation of the surfaces of tillage working bodies was obtained, which is important in the future for drawing up operational and technological maps for the execution of technological operations on tillage.
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