The research of differential migration of manganese in agricultural lands by combining methods
ecological research, Manganese, soil, regulatory basins, filtration zonesAbstract
The ecological research of urbanized territories and the assessment of environmental conditions are priority areas of modern science. Their actuality is determined with a necessity of detection factors and causes, which form ecological situations in ecosystems, a highlighting of priority problems and a studying of spatial differentiation of urbanized territories for the purpose of creating the safe and comfortable habitat of population. In most cases the modern assertation of the quality of the environment is solely based on statistic data (emissions level, concentration of microelements in soil, etc.), which is available for a wide range of people. But such data is unable to demonstrate an actual ecological situation and provide a concept of peculiarities of the spatial structure of polluted territories. Manganese is spread to soils in the form of oxides and hydroxides, which settled ether on soil particles or as nodules of various diameters. Divalent manganese is converted to carbonate or bicarbonate in the process of weathering. Manganese accumulates in the high horizon of in most soils; this accumulation is especially distinctive in the soils of the forest zone. The accomplished studies have confirmed that as long as heavy metals are closely bound to soil constituents and are difficult to access, their negative impact on soil and the environment will be negligible. However, if soil conditions allow heavy metals to infiltrate into the soil solution, there is a direct threat of soil contamination and the possibility of their penetration into plants. The accomplished studies of agricultural lands located around the regulatory basins using the geophysical method of the Earth's natural pulsed electromagnetic field allowed to establish the position of water filtration zones in the soils adjacent to the basin and the direction of migration of water containing dissolved manganese. The nature of these processes and possible consequences were analyzed.
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