Bads in products with amaranth and carotine microbiological for the treatment of animals




amaranth, squalene, microbiological carotene, fatty acids, medicinal cream for animals


The effect of a complex of microbiological carotene and lipophilic fraction of amaranth, the biologically active substances, as a therapeutic and preventive agent for farm animals has been studied. Amaranth attracted the attention of scientists after it was discovered that it belongs to the four-carbon type of plants and has a special type of photosynthesis, which explains the colossal potentials of productivity and growth. It has been shown that amaranth seeds are rich in a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linolenic), and their content is 77%; 50% belong to linoleic acid, from which arachidonic acid is synthesized, which is the basis for the synthesis of sterols. Extracting oil from amaranth seeds is not easy for a number of reasons. Several technologies for its production are known: oil extraction, extraction with organic solvents and supercritical fluid extraction with carbon dioxide (SFE-CO 2 ). As a result of the experiments, convincing evidence that β-carotene, apparently, is not only a source of vitamin A, but also plays an important independent biological role, has been obtained, that is why it was used as a component for a medicinal product.


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How to Cite

Krychkovska, L., Khokhlenkova, N., Blyzniuk, O., Shcherbak, O., & Dubonosov, V. (2024). Bads in products with amaranth and carotine microbiological for the treatment of animals. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 3(3), 73–81.