The effect of oat bran combined with phospholipids on the redistribution of structural groups in wheat flour dough and bread




bread, oat bran, lecithin, gluten, infrared spectroscopy


The aim of the work was to determine the influence of oat bran on the change in the structural groups of dough and bread made from wheat flour with added lecithin. Oat bran, its chemical composition and distribution of protein fractions, influence on the quality and quantity of gluten in the dough were investigated. Conformational transformations of structural elements in dough and bread were investigated by infrared spectroscopy in the near-infrared region. Oat bran has an increased content of protein - 17.1% and dietary fiber - 15.4% compared to wheat flour - 11.3% and 3.5%, respectively. It was established that oat bran proteins are globular, because the content of globulins is the highest - 7.4 times more than in wheat flour. Due to the low content of prolamins and high content of globulins, oat protein is able to provide a good balance of amino acids, unlike many other cereals. The introduction of lecithin and its combination with oat bran had a negative effect on the amount of gluten washed out of the dough to a greater extent with an increase in the dosage of bran: by 2.84-8.72% less raw gluten was washed out. The addition of oat bran resulted in an increase in protein extensibility and branching rate compared to the control sample. Bran also weakens the gluten structure of the kneaded dough, which reduces the stability of the system. The infrared spectra of the dough at a wavelength of 2100 nm showed that the food fibers of oat bran included in the recipe delay the development of the gluten network, being wedged into the gluten network in the form of inclusions. At a wavelength of 1770 nm, the spectral index of the samples with the replacement of flour with bran was lower than that of the control, which will contribute to better shape-holding capacity of the dough and less dilution. Taking into account the high content of protein and dietary fiber in oat bran, the use of this raw material is expedient in order to increase the nutritional value of bread, give it health-promoting properties. The use of oat bran as secondary products also corresponds to the vectors of the global strategy of sustainable development. However, it is worth applying technological methods to minimize the negative impact of bran, in particular, on the structural and mechanical properties of dough and bread.


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, A., Litvynchuk, S., & Drobot, V. (2023). The effect of oat bran combined with phospholipids on the redistribution of structural groups in wheat flour dough and bread. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 2(3), 38–50.

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