Bilateral economic relations between Slovakia and Ukraine (1993-2016)




Ukraine, Slovakia, international relations, economic relations, European integration strategy, international cooperation, the Slovak Republic, the economic relations between Ukraine and Slovakia


The aim of the article was to analyze the evolution of basic directions, types and forms of Ukrainian-Slovak intergovernmental cooperation on the basis of a concrete historical analysis of the process of establishing and developing good neighborly relations and the foundations of the strategic partnership between Ukraine and Slovak. At the beginning considered the history of relations of countries and their contractual-legal basis of economic relations, the role and place of Ukrainian-Slovak relations in the context of European integration. Also analyzed commercial and economic cooperation between Ukraine and the Slovak properties and investment cooperation between Ukraine and Slovak. Finally is discussed priority areas of political and economic cooperation between the countries and prospects of economic cooperation at bilateral and multilateral levels. The conclusion briefly summarizes the research and are given the most essential theoretical principles to solve problems. The Slovak Republic and Ukraine are neighbors of the first order in the geopolitical context, which are directly adjacent and share a common border. In order to maintain stability in the region of Central and Eastern Europe, it is extremely important for the development of neighborly relations between them. Clearing relations and development of cooperation with neighboring countries is also in accordance with European principles, one of the main conditions for inclusion of new independent states in integration processes on the European continent. Considering the need to strengthen cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and Slovakia, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for effective cooperation between the media of the states during the transmission of information and the creation of a positive image of Ukraine. The main priority of Ukraine's foreign policy continues to be the process of European integration, which includes the introduction of systemic reforms in all areas of life in accordance with the norms and standards of the European Union.


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How to Cite

Radysh, O. (2023). Bilateral economic relations between Slovakia and Ukraine (1993-2016). International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(5), 13–26.

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