Formation of the structure of the staff development management system of the enterprise




personnel, personnel development, personnel development management, system, personnel structure


Currently, the main component of the company's personnel management is the creation of conditions for expanding knowledge, improving qualifications, improving skills and continuous development of employees. The growing role of knowledge in society, the development of knowledge-intensive, intellectual technologies requires flexible and adaptive use of the company's human resources, increasing the creative and organizational activity of employees, and the formation of a humanized organizational culture.

In the conditions of market relations, the introduction of new technologies into production, adequate methods of managing the development of personnel, which are based on progressive approaches to expanding their competencies, are of particular importance. Considering this, in modern production there are problems of modernization of classic personnel management systems and introduction of new management models, focused on the continuous development of the intellectual, cultural and creative potential of employees of enterprises and organizations on the basis of consulting.

From an economic point of view, the simultaneous influence of a number of factors on the development of personnel management creates certain contradictions. On the one hand, this is a decrease in personnel turnover, an increase in the level of competences, ensuring profit growth, and on the other hand, significant costs for improving the methods of managing personnel development. This inconsistency shapes the purpose and content of tasks related to the management of personnel development and approaches to their resolution.

A structural model of the personnel development management system of an innovatively active enterprise has been formed, with the definition of the purpose and tasks, resources, functions and stages of the personnel development process. The list of measures necessary for ensuring the formation and functioning of the personnel development management system of an innovatively active enterprise is determined. Personnel development is the most important condition for the successful operation of enterprises, since the readiness of personnel for development and self-education becomes one of the most important tasks.


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How to Cite

Babchynska, O., & Posvalyuk, O. (2023). Formation of the structure of the staff development management system of the enterprise. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(2), 110–123.

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