Analysis potential tourist industry in Ukraine




strategic management, tourism development, subjects tourist activities


The article is devoted to the formation of theoretical and methodological foundations and practical recommendations for revealing the potential of strategic management of tourism development in Ukraine. The essence and components of strategic management of tourism development in Ukraine are determined. Strategies for the development of the tourism industry in general are outlined, highlighting the main levels of development and the corresponding tools for their development, in addition, a systematic analysis of the process of strategic management of the development of the tourism industry as a whole is carried out, the main features of improving the strategic management of the development of economic entities of the tourism industry in the context of the formation of the concept of strategic management are given , the use of advanced foreign experience in organizing the management system in the tourism industry and choosing the optimal development strategy in today's conditions. The article proves that tourism in Ukraine is given inadequate attention by the state, as the tourism industry is not defined as a priority or perspective direction of the country's economic development. In this context, the most optimal option turns out to be the use of the mechanism of self-regulation in the tourism industry of Ukraine to introduce EU standards into the country's tourism industry. In the conditions of transformational changes in the economy of Ukraine, the tourism business is one of the promising areas of development, taking into account the significant historical, natural, and cultural values of Ukraine, the existing national and international cooperation of domestic and foreign enterprises, and potential opportunities for profitability. At the same time, the development of new directions, types and forms of ensuring the balanced development of the potential of the tourism industry of Ukraine requires the development and substantiation of theoretical-methodological, methodical approaches, practical recommendations in order to determine the most optimal options for the development of tourism business systems, ensuring its competitiveness and economic efficiency. In this connection, there is a need to assess the existing potential of the tourism industry of Ukraine, to define and substantiate possible directions for its activation, implementation and expansion.


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How to Cite

Chernyaev, O., Ignatenko, N., & Burdonos, L. (2023). Analysis potential tourist industry in Ukraine. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(1), 65–74.

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