Current trends in the development of social marketing in Ukraine




social marketing, concept of social marketing, inclusiveness, barrier-free, reintegration of veterans, digitalization of the social sphere, welfare state


The article deals with the history of origin and trends in the development of social marketing in Ukraine. Different views on the interpretation of social marketing are considered. The emergence of social marketing is studied, the purpose and types of social marketing, key approaches to its characterization are defined. It has been determined that social marketing is an effective tool for developing and achieving business goals, increasing sales of products and services of enterprises, a new creative approach to the realization of business goals, an effective tool for product promotion. The best examples of social marketing demonstrated by leading companies in Ukraine during the war were studied. The largest fundraisers and private companies that provided the most money to the Armed Forces and humanitarian aid during the war were identified. The key trends in the development of social marketing in Ukraine are identified: uniting business around victory, partnership, cooperation of enterprises to help the Armed Forces and address the humanitarian needs of society; shifting the focus of business social responsibility to charity, corporate volunteering, fundraising activities; increasing the role of the employer in the development and support of social programs in times of war; further digitalization of the entire social sphere, improving the provision of social services to the population; focus on inclusiveness and barrier-free access; creation of a comprehensive system of veterans' reintegration. It is determined that in the field of social services for veterans, mobilized military personnel and disabled persons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, internally displaced persons and people affected by war, and migrants, marketing is the process of research, development, promotion and implementation of such services. The objectives of social marketing are to analyze and popularize the world's best practices of doing business and protecting human rights during the war, monitor and evaluate the development of social responsibility in Ukraine, and disseminate the experience of leading companies in veterans' reintegration for use by business entities in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Ihnatenko, O., Yesmakhanova, A., Sovershenna, I., & Petrovskyi, O. (2025). Current trends in the development of social marketing in Ukraine. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 4(1), 31–39.

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