Management of innovation potential of telecommunication enterprises in conditions of economic instability
innovative potential, management, mechanism, system, principles, tools, telecommunications enterprise, enterpriseAbstract
Within the framework of this article, an analysis of economic entities of different sizes on the Ukrainian market in conditions of economic instability was carried out, taking into account their innovative activity. The peculiarities of the functioning of enterprises in the field of telecommunications in conditions of economic instability have been determined, and the conceptual bases of their management within the framework of the components of the management system by levels and the support system have been substantiated. On this basis, a mechanism for managing the innovative potential of telecommunications enterprises was developed and its components were described. It is proven that the formation and implementation of the mechanism for managing the innovative potential of communication enterprises within the framework of the proposed management system will affect their activities in accordance with the development goals and the chosen strategy. This will allow the management of telecommunications enterprises to ensure the effectiveness of management decisions, to increase competitive advantages based on innovation and increase their competitive position in conditions of economic instability.References
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