Creative management system in an organization: essence and components




creative management, creative management system, creative ideas, creative potential, subsystems of creative management, creative environment in an organization


The article is devoted to the study of the creative management system, which is an important tool for the effective use of the creative potential of employees and the introduction of innovations in modern organizations. The article discusses the essence and components of this system, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the creative management system in an organization. Creative management ensures adaptation of organizations to a rapidly changing external environment, stimulating innovative thinking and facilitating the development of new products and services. The main approaches to the formation of a creative management system are considered: strategic, technological, process, cultural and inclusive. The article presents the main goals and objectives of the creative management system and highlights its main functions, namely: creation of a creative environment, planning and coordination, communication and cooperation, training and development, support for a culture of experimentation, adaptation and implementation of innovations, motivation and incentives for staff, monitoring and analysis. The article analyzes in detail the components of the creative management system, among which the following subsystems are distinguished: subjective (managing, managed, influential subsystems), conceptual (purpose, goals, objectives, functions of the system), objective (ideas and innovations, processes and tools for generating ideas, organization culture), supporting (resource, organizational and methodological, information, technical, communication, motivational support, as well as creative leadership and evaluation, control of results), which ensure effective interaction of all participants in the creative process. The creative management system is open, as its functioning is influenced by both internal and external factors, including market trends, technological changes, and cultural factors. Maintaining the stability and competitiveness of organizations in an environment of instability and rapid change requires the integration of creative processes into the organization's strategy and culture.


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How to Cite

Vasylyk, N. (2024). Creative management system in an organization: essence and components. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 3(6), 80–89.

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