Digital culture of companies: clarification of terminology


  • Nataliia Trushkina Department of Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship Development, Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Diana Chernukh Department of Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship Development, Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine



corporate culture, principles, motivation, values, personnel management, personnel management system, digital culture, digital transformation, digital technologies, information systems, digital skills, digital competence, digital literacy, interaction mechanism, partnership, effectiveness


Currently, digital transformations change the ways of implementing and organizing labour activities, the labour processes themselves, stimulate the emergence of digital thinking and make the experience of employees unique, forming a special digital environment and digital culture of companies.

The article examines the evolution of the development and formation of digital culture as a promising area of activity for companies. The theoretical foundations of the development of digital culture are analyzed and summarized. The existing approaches to the interpretation of digital culture proposed by various scientific schools are considered. The key factors influencing changes in professions in the global labor market have been identified, taking into account the activation of digitalization processes and the specifics of employers' demand for digital skills of personnel depending on their level of qualification. The structure of digital competence was built taking into account world experience, which includes the following components: communication and cooperation, information literacy, ability to solve problems and set tasks, information security, creation of digital content.

As a result of the study, it was established that digital culture should be considered as a set of principles, values and methods in the personnel management system using information and communication technologies for the interaction of management, top managers, employees and solving tasks in professional activities. This is a formed way and manner of behavior of the company's employees, which arose under the influence of the transformation of the digital society and implies an increase in the level of digital skills, literacy and the ability to use modern information and communication technologies and software. The key principles of the formation and development of the digital culture of companies in the conditions of the digital economy are defined: organizational flexibility; customer orientation; result orientation; insight; technological literacy; adaptability to global challenges and organizational changes; network approach to the formation of digital platforms; continuous learning.


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How to Cite

Trushkina, N., & Chernukh, D. (2023). Digital culture of companies: clarification of terminology. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(1), 19–33.



Business Economics and Production Management