Digital strategy of the critical infrastructure development: bibliometric and trend analysis
national economy, critical infrastructure, digital transformation, digital development strategy, digital management strategy, bibliometric analysis, trend analysis, research clustersAbstract
At present, the problems of digital transformation of the economies of most European countries in the context of the implementation of the EU's digital strategy are gaining particular relevance. According to a study by analysts of the International Data Corporation, the total global spending on digital technologies is growing by 16.8% annually and amounted to 2.1 trillion dollars in 2019. Research by Huawei and Oxford Economics has shown that intelligent network interaction can fuel the growth of the digital economy, which will reach 23 trillion dollars by 2025. This increase will be 78.3% compared to 2017 (12.9 trillion dollars). By 2025, the share of the digital economy is planned to increase by 7.2 percentage points, or from 17.1 to 24.3% of global GDP. According to the calculations of The Boston Consulting Group experts, the volume of the digital economy by 2035 will amount to 16 trillion dollars. At the same time, digital technologies and information systems have a significant impact on the development of critical infrastructure as an important element of the national economy. Correctly selected digital technologies combined with the competencies of employees, processes and operations will allow critical infrastructure facilities to quickly adapt to crisis situations, use promising opportunities to modernize work processes, meet new and constantly changing customer needs, stimulate growth and implement innovative and management solutions. In view of this, the purpose of the article is to determine the contextual and temporal patterns of the development of the representation in the scientific literature of research in the field of digital transformation of critical infrastructure using bibliometric and trend analysis. A certain divergence of the trends of scientific and user interest in the issues of forming digital strategies for the development of critically important infrastructure facilities was noted. The formalization of the contextual features of the concept of "digital strategy for the development of critical infrastructure", identified based on the results of bibliometric analysis, made it possible to determine that the analysis of the impact of digitalization processes on the development of critical infrastructure, resistance to cyber threats, and the choice of a strategy for its transformation in the conditions of Industry 4.0 and 5.0 is becoming increasingly popular. Six clusters of scientific research devoted to the development of a digital strategy for the development of critical infrastructure have been identified. The first is focused on the formation of a system of cyber resilience and cybersecurity; the second – on the development of the smart city concept; the third – on the organization of the system of state policy and higher education; the fourth – on determining structural changes in the sphere of health care and education; the fifth – on the justification of the strategy for the development of the agro-industrial complex and the environmental protection sector due to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; the sixth – on determining the temporal regularities of digitization processes for the effective development of critical infrastructure. The theoretical principles of identifying trends in scientific research for the justification of digital strategies for the development of critical infrastructure have been further developed, which, unlike the existing ones, are based on the results of structuring the existing research work (using the VOSviewer v. 1.6.19 and Google Trends tools) according to two criteria: the level of crowding of scientific research and the evolutionary-time dimension, which made it possible to cluster directions of interdisciplinary research. An abstract is a short summary of your research paper, usually about a paragraph (200-400 words) long. A well-written abstract can let readers get the essence of your paper, prepare readers to follow the detailed information, analyses, and arguments in your full paper, and help readers remember the key points.References
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