Loads and modes of operation of wheeled tractors





tractor, agricultural machinery, engine, power take-off shaft, power, load, speed, operating modes


Tractor operation in agricultural production is characterized by an extraordinary variety of conditions. It was determined that the soil and climatic conditions, the rationality of tractor aggregates, the level of agricultural culture, the condition of roads in the farm, the justification of using tractors for certain jobs, the qualifications of drivers and many other factors have the greatest influence on tractor operation modes. The traction load on the tractor hook is a non-stationary random function of time. It was established that the characteristics of the traction load depend on the composition of the unit, the work performed, the heterogeneity of the physical properties of the soil and the microrelief of the surface of the field or road. The mathematical expectations of the power consumed by the engine when considering the entire complex of agricultural machines  (Nd) = 48.75 hp have been determined. For agricultural machines working without power take-off through the power take-off shaft (Nd) = 49 hp. The experimental curve of the distribution of the actual speeds of the aggregates shows that the average speed of machines operating without power take-off through the power take-off shaft is  (nd) = 2.13 m/s (7.7 km/h). It was established that when working with tillage and harvesting machines, the speed does not exceed 3.34 m/s (12 km/h). The average value of the traction force for three series of experimental studies of the Vega-8 planter was Psr = 18 kN. At a movement speed of u = 1.45 m/s, the range of fluctuations of the traction force of the planter was DР = 13269 N, and with an increase in speed to 2.3 m/s, the range of fluctuations of the traction force increased to 18305 N. The maximum value of the range of 20842 N is observed at speed of 4 m/s.


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How to Cite

Antoshchenkov, R., Bogdanovich, S., Halych, I., & Cherevatenko, H. (2022). Loads and modes of operation of wheeled tractors. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 1(5), 122–131. https://doi.org/10.46299/j.isjea.20220105.13

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