Obtaining composite powder materials and coatings based on titanium diboride


  • Viacheslav Syrovatka Department of highly-persistant surface layers material science and engineering Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5034-2656




composite powder material, coating, alloying element, coefficient of friction, wear


The structure and properties of composite powder materials and detonation coatings were studied depending on their composition and method of production. It was established that during the detonation sputtering of coatings, there is no separation of components, which contributes to the formation of a uniform finely dispersed structure of coatings, similar to the structure of composite materials. Comparative studies of the behavior of composite detonation coatings under conditions of dry friction in a pair with steel were carried out. The structure of composite powders and coatings was analyzed depending on their composition. It was found that the detonation coatings have higher wear resistance than the coatings obtained by method 2. The probable reason is that the structure consists of titanium diboride grains, complex borides of titanium, molybdenum and iron, as well as a metal phase, which is a solid solution of molybdenum in iron and the presence of complex titanium borides in the structure of detonation coatings. Titanium boride contributes to the formation of a fine crystalline structure, and also reduces the tendency to the formation of metal oxides and intermetallics. Evaluating the degree of homogeneity of the structure of the obtained powder materials, it should be noted that it largely depends on the size of the initial particles of the powder alloy. The structure of relatively large particles can be inherited by the structure of the sintered material. In the process of sintering at a higher temperature of the material, light titanium particles with aluminum shells are visible. In the process of sintering at a high temperature, aluminum from the shell can diffuse into the matrix, but the titanium areas remain. Comparative studies on the wear resistance of detonation coatings have established that the developed composite coatings can be recommended for use as sliding bearings under severe operating conditions.


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How to Cite

Syrovatka, V. (2023). Obtaining composite powder materials and coatings based on titanium diboride. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 2(3), 10–17. https://doi.org/10.46299/j.isjea.20230203.02