Burnout syndrome at the stages of mastery of the dental specialty
dentistry, students-interns, emotional outburst, military dayAbstract
The study of primacy, the development of that stage of manifestation of the syndrome of emotional depression in the dynamics was carried out in the middle of mastery in the specialty "Therapeutic Dentistry" at three stages of the questionnaire: undergraduate studies (students of the 5th year); in the internship of the 1st and 2nd year, apprenticeship. Experimentation and diagnostics of the equal formation and phases of the development of symptoms were carried out according to V.V. Boyka. 160 anonymous questionnaires were analyzed. The formation of the syndrome in students of dental science is directly ranked on a par, which is lower than in foreign studies. The degree of manifestation of emotional development in interns-stomatologists of the 1st year of education does not exceed the results of the achievements of foreign andragogues and our masters in postgraduate education in other specialties. Large-scale wars cause serious activation of warehouse experiences, anxiety and depression. The formation and dominance of the emotional response and the external (depersonalization) may have a chronic character in case of mental overstrain in dentistry specialists of the 2nd year of the beginning of the active military day.
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