Dynamics of empathic abilities of interns in the specialty "anesthesiology"
interns, postgraduate education, pandemic, wartime, empathyAbstract
The dynamics of empathic abilities of interns specializing in "anesthesiology" were studied depending on the periods of local military conflict, the COVID-19 pandemic, and full-scale war in Ukraine. For conducting such studies, the M. Davis Interpersonal Reactivity Questionnaire (IRI) is the most valid and accessible. 240 anonymous questionnaires of interns in the specialty "anesthesiology" were analyzed. They showed higher empathic abilities than young colleagues of other specialties. The most significant increase in indicators was observed on the "empathic distress" scale, which is a psychological and protective reaction. The greatest decrease in empathic characteristics was documented on the "fantasy empathy" scale, which is explained by a more realistic perception of reality during social disasters. In the conditions of the pandemic and martial law, anesthesiologist interns showed a progressive increase in cognitive-productive empathic abilities against a decrease in emotional reactivity (affectiveness).
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Copyright (c) 2023 Василь Єхалов, Ольга Кравець, Ольга Пилипенко, Дар'я Кріштафор

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