Deviation of the phenomenon of procrastination among intern doctors in the specialty "anesthesiology" during wartime
postgraduate education, interns, wartime, procrastinationAbstract
The research was conducted over a period of 5 years in 3 stages: the 1st stage covered the years 2018-2019; the second - 2020-2021 (the COVID-19 pandemic); the third stage was carried out in 2022 during martial law. More than 260 anonymous questionnaires of interns in the specialty "anesthesiology" were analyzed. Among the reasons for personal propensity to postpone tasks, the first place is "orientation for social reward", this feature among anesthesiologist interns degrades more than twice with the introduction of martial law. For other reasons, the tendency to procrastinate decreases according to the aggravation of social circumstances. Anesthesiologist interns showed a lower tendency to postpone tasks compared to colleagues in other specialties. Temporal discounting is probably the key to understanding procrastination and its positive use in higher medical education.
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