Experience of conducting microcycles-trainings in continuous postgraduate education of anesthesiologists in the Research Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the DSMU





anesthesiology, continuous professional improvement, master class,


The master class as a method is used in the post-graduate training of doctors, which has been held at the Research Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Dnipro State Medical University since 2008 for optional classes. Previously, leading domestic and foreign specialists were involved in providing classes. Nowadays, the need for this has disappeared, as our teachers have thoroughly mastered the necessary information and training methods and are currently able to work independently. Over the past 2 years, short-term cycles lasting up to 28 hours have been held at the Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education  of the Dnipro State Medical University, which are included in the educational and production plan of the department and faculty. Step-by-step methodical training enables attending advanced training courses doctors to learn theoretical foundations and practical skills in the most productive way. The highest level of mastery of the material was determined among those specialists who were trained using the "master class" method. They also recorded the highest level of "retention" of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The use of dummies and mannequins in the training process contributes to the kinesthetic consolidation of "hand memory", which makes it possible to bring manual skills to ensure high-quality protection of the respiratory tract to the level of automaticity. It was proved that the mastery of theoretical knowledge and practical skills when using the "master class" method was significantly higher than in the control group. Training participants with a certain involvement of the "master class" method in the educational process are given the opportunity to systematize and organize previously acquired manual skills and theoretical knowledge, as well as to consider the function of an anesthesiologist as a leading specialist in the perioperative period of patient treatment from a different angle. For young colleagues who have recently acquired specialization and interns of the second year of training, the use of such a technique provides the ability to adapt more quickly in a new team and conditions professional growth. A simulation approach to practical training allows participants to qualitatively master modern medical standards, which require the fastest possible professional decision-making and flawless execution of practical manipulations in extreme conditions.


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How to Cite

Yekhalov, V., Kravets , O., & Gorbuntsov, V. (2023). Experience of conducting microcycles-trainings in continuous postgraduate education of anesthesiologists in the Research Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the DSMU. International Science Journal of Education & Linguistics, 2(3), 67–76. https://doi.org/10.46299/j.isjel.20230203.07



Theory, practice and methods of education