Development of administrative decisions regarding the choice of anti-crisis strategy of ATP




crisis, strategy, anti-crisis management, competition, motor vehicle enterprise


The concept of anti-crisis strategy is considered. The classification of anti-crisis strategies was analyzed according to the main characteristics: by the stage of anti-crisis management, depending on the nature of the impact of the crisis on the company's activities, depending on the concept of strategic management, depending on the criterion of low budget, depending on the forecast of the market situation and the capabilities of the company itself, depending on the elements of the marketing mix , depending on the competitive position and behavior on the market and depending on the type of crisis. A model for the selection and development of an anti-crisis strategy is proposed, which takes into account the modern legal framework, the theoretical foundations of strategic management, and the practice of enterprises regarding the implementation of measures to overcome adverse situations. This model reflects an interconnected complex of strategic and operational measures, each of which is subordinate to a single goal, goals and tasks related to the implementation of the company's anti-crisis policy, and its elements can be both defensive and offensive in nature. It has been established that when choosing a strategy at a motor transport enterprise, it is necessary to provide for local techniques, the mechanism of tactics for its implementation. Three main crisis management strategies are identified: the strategy of eliminating unwanted competition, the strategy of a preemptive attack, and the strategy of a diversionary maneuver. Based on the analyzed strategies, an algorithm for choosing an anti-crisis strategy by a motor transport company (ATP) was formed. A methodological approach to the formation of a strategy mechanism at the stage of exiting the crisis is proposed, which is a logical mutually coordinated system of strategies of all levels of the hierarchy, methodological support and practical tools for its implementation, which are interconnected. The proposed methodology was tested on the example of PJSC "ATP-15339".


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How to Cite

Bocharova, N., & Tupitska, E. (2023). Development of administrative decisions regarding the choice of anti-crisis strategy of ATP. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(1), 34–49.



Business Economics and Production Management