What to Know Before Taking Out a Payday Loan to Improve Your Credit Score





Credit Score, Credit Ratings, Payday loans, Improvement of the Credit Score


Loans are a fundamental and integral part of people's lives. People of all ages are interested in them to be able to fulfill their desires. A banking establishment, like any other financial institution, requires its clients to pay their debt obligations on time and in full. But they all use credit scores to assess a client's creditworthiness and, in turn, to mitigate their own risks. Likewise, individuals themselves should be aware of how their credit rating is formed in order to make sound financial decisions in the future. The results of the study show that scientists, researchers, and online resources do not have a single approach to the factors that affect credit scores, but the general direction of consideration of a person is very similar. In this article, two of the most popular rating systems in the United States, such as FICO and VantageScore, were reviewed. They have many similarities but also many differences that affect the formation of a credit score improvement strategy. In turn, a low credit score reduces the quality of life and financial inclusion, so its improvement is an important and urgent issue that is addressed in this article.


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How to Cite

Sytnychenko, K. (2023). What to Know Before Taking Out a Payday Loan to Improve Your Credit Score. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(2), 10–16. https://doi.org/10.46299/j.isjmef.20230202.02

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