Theoretical aspects of the influence of the quality of the resource base on the financial stability of the bank


  • Natalia Danik Department of Economics, Management and Finance, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mykolaiv National University named after V.O. Sukhomlynskyi, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
  • Artur Yemelyanov Department of Economics, Management and Finance, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mykolaiv National University named after V.O. Sukhomlynskyi, Mykolaiv, Ukraine



resources, resource base, involved resources, own resources, active operations, passive operations, bank, deposit operations, banking system


Financial resources are the main and integral part of bank resources. A banking institution, like any legal entity, requires initial and current capital to carry out economic activity. The constant lack of capital in banks has a negative impact on the availability of credit resources for other participants in the economy and their cost. The results of the study show that there is no single definition of financial resources among domestic and foreign scientists, but the interpretation of the concept of bank financial resources is very similar. The first group of scientists defines the bank's resources as the total amount of funds available in the bank, which are used to carry out active operations. The second group of scientists gives a broader definition of the essence of banking resources. They believe that a bank is a collection of own resources and "other" (borrowed) funds, which are used to carry out active operations. The third group of scientists conducts the most accurate, thorough and comprehensive definition of bank resources. According to them, bank resources are a set of own, borrowed and borrowed funds owned by the bank and used to carry out banking activities. As a result of the conducted research, analysis of three definitions given by three groups of authors, justification of the distribution of credit and deposit resources determined by the nature of attraction, management and cost of resources, the author formed his own definition of the bank's financial resources. Bank resources affect liquidity, solvency, and, accordingly, the bank's income level. Therefore, increasing the efficiency of the bank's resource provision is an important and urgent problem of the functioning of the banking system.


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How to Cite

Danik, N., & Yemelyanov, A. (2022). Theoretical aspects of the influence of the quality of the resource base on the financial stability of the bank. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 1(5), 10–16.

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