Peculiarities of regulation of financial and economic security of economic entities
imbalances, financial resources, globalization, crises, financial services, capitalAbstract
The scientific article examines the mechanism of transformation of financial resources in the country's economy, focusing on key aspects and its impact on the general economic condition. A complex system of interrelationships between financial institutions, legal norms, money flows and economic policy is analyzed here to reveal the essence and significance of this mechanism in the context of the country's economic development. Modern studies of financial processes at the global level emphasize the search for effective methods of overcoming disparities in the use of the country's financial resources and ensuring the harmonious development of the financial and real sectors of the economy. This is necessary to avoid the risk of formation of "financial bubbles" and to strengthen macroeconomic and financial stability. Ukraine, in the context of these challenges, also needs to develop a methodology for assessing and regulating imbalances in the movement of financial resources and their consequences for the functioning of financial and commodity markets. Activation of systematic research on methodological approaches to the assessment and regulation of economic imbalances in Ukraine is a key direction for ensuring sustainable economic development of the country. Special attention should be paid to the study of the causes and consequences of these imbalances, as well as the development of effective strategies for their regulation. The consequences of imbalances can be manifested in economic growth, inflation, loss of competitiveness, financial crises, social tensions, etc. Studying these causes and effects is important for developing strategies to regulate and prevent similar imbalances from occurring in the future. This is important for ensuring economic stability, increasing competitiveness and preserving social and economic stability of Ukraine in the face of globalization and economic turbulence.References
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Financial security of the state in the system of economic security. Available at: URL: f inansi/finansova_bezpeka_derzhavi.
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