Determining the attractiveness of enterprises for the formation of rational impressions of stakeholders in the conditions of the experience economy
attractiveness, industrial enterprise, rational impressions, stakeholders, economic resources, innovation-investment activities, partial indicators, integral indicator, sensitivity of indicators, experience economyAbstract
The relevance of the article is confirmed by the need to clarify the theoretical and methodological support for determining the attractiveness of industrial enterprises based on the results of the use of economic resources in the context of the development of the experience economy. Based on the analysis of literature sources the article provides arguments that the experience economy is one of the leading models of economic relations in today's conditions. Attractiveness in its modern broad sense will allow forming sustainable rational impressions of the performance and capabilities of enterprises, which will attract stakeholders and generate added value and profit at a faster pace than with other models of economic relations. The purpose of the article is to improve and further develop a methodological approach to determining the attractiveness of enterprises for the purpose of forming rational impressions of stakeholders about the performance and capabilities of enterprises in the context of the experience economy. The results of the study are: a proposed and tested system of partial indicators for determining the attractiveness of industrial enterprises, consisting of relevant indicators of the use of economic resources and results of innovation and investment activity, substantiated by multivariate factor analysis, which are combined by the method of additive convolution into an integral indicators by years corresponding to the study period from 2020 to 2023; differentiation of the values of the integral indicators of attractiveness by qualitative levels in accordance with the scale specified for the conditions of Ukraine's economy Harington scale; identifying the functional relationship between the values of partial and integral indicators using the neural network method and substantiating the sensitivity of partial indicators of attractiveness to managerial influences; developing a methodological approach to determining the attractiveness of enterprises; substantiating practical recommendations for the formation of rational impressions of stakeholders to ensure the attractiveness of enterprises. Conclusions: the presented results are the main stages of the developed methodological approach to determining the attractiveness of industrial enterprises based on the results and innovation and investment activity of the use of economic resources to form rational impressions of stakeholders about the activities of enterprises in the conditions of the experience economy. The developed methodical approach is a contribution to the theoretical basis of the theory of enterprise economics and management theory on the management of enterprises in the conditions of complex economic relations of today, its testing confirms the practical feasibility of using the developed methodical approach to form information and communication relations between enterprises and stakeholders on the basis of forming a policy of promoting enterprises and their products at the market in accordance with information on the quantitative values of attractiveness indicators of the use of economic resources.References
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